Why Is Karen Doing The Diversity Training: White Women Profiting in the DEI Space

So why is Karen doing the diversity training for your company's professional development? We can approach this from several directions. One is the unconscious bias that Blacks have when it comes to white's being better. I've heard other Blacks say that white women like antiracism author Robin DiAngelo, are the best people to do diversity, equity and inclusion training because other white's will listen to them. Whites will find a common ground, similar interests, and women like DiAngelo are far more relatable. All of these "reasons" are unconscious bias and confirm the findings of a research study done by Black psychologists, Dr's Kenneth and Mamie Clark in the 1940's.

My question is, "Are these white women really about that DEI life or are they capitalizing on a trending topic? And are companies using white women so they can check all the boxes- because they also benefit from Affirmative Action and the Civil Rights Act of 1964- knowing they will change absolutely nothing within their organization?" 

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Yazeed, Carey. "Why Is Karen Doing The Diversity Training: White Women Profiting in the DEI Space – Dr. Carey Yazeed," 2021. https://drcareyyazeed.com/why-is-karen-doing-the-diversity-training-white-women-profiting-in-the-dei-space/.